10th Anniversary Conference!

Christians in Pharmacy are delighted to announce their 10th anniversary conference to be held at the CMF premises ( Johnson House, 6 Marshalsea Rd, London SE1 1HL) from 10:00am to 3:30pm on Saturday 21st October 2023. Join us as we celebrate what God has done over the last 10 years and contemplate what the next 10 might bring.

As we celebrate 10 years of Christians in Pharmacy (or 30 years if you include its predecessor organisation) come and hear renowned Christian speakers as they help us to celebrate what God has done in and through CiP over the past and as they help us think through what our role may be in the future.  There will be plenty of opportunity to share and pray together too.  If you want to make a day of it then the Central London location offers many options to add a meal or a show to your itinerary.

For full details and to book tickets please visit our Eventbrite site 

Although we would much prefer to see you all in person there is an online option if you are unable to travel.

Although we need to make a small charge to cover venue hire, catering and other costs please do not let cost hold you back from participating.  If this is a problem for you please let us know and we will see what we can do.